Sunday 15 September 2013

Friday 13/9/2013

After two and the half months, I have finally finished reading this book from Mitch Albom entitled "For one more day". Seriously the more I read, the more mature my thinking and attitude become. I start to love reading <3
In this book, I found out some interesting and meaningful sentences. We realize time passes fast but we always hang this statement  "We still have a lot of time" beside our mouths. Irony? Contradict? Actually time passes fast is a true fact but we still have a lot of time is actually an excuse for us to delay the matter we lazy to face or to settle.

Another thing is "Going back to something is harder than we think." -Posey Benetto

Hence, always live your life with no regrets and full of appreciation.
After I read this book, I thought back the way I treated my parents badly sometimes. The way I am being impatient with them, getting annoyed when they asked me to do this and that and screamed to them. The time we have with them is limited. They can be patient with us and be happy to do things we demand them to do. But why can't us? They are growing older. I should love them more and company them whenever I can. Without them, I may not exist in this world. Without them, I may not able to be who I am now.

THANKS mi and ba. SORRY for the bads and mistakes I did to you two. I LOVE YOU

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