Saturday 20 October 2012

Before the day ends, I wanted to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to myself... Finally I am 21... I am a legal adult... Well... What i want to say is~ Time flies...

In a blink of eyes, I am 21 now.. I remembered when I was young, I always wanted to grow up as soon as possible because I felt that I can do many things when I grow up.. I can go out late.. I can drive.. I can hang out with my friends.. I can go anyway I want.. But things eventually upside turn.. When I finally reached the age of 21.. I hoped time slows down... I did not want to grow up anymore.. Yet this is an unreachable dream... I just cannot evade the truth that we all are growing older and older as time passes..

I have the revelation that I really need to express millionfolds of thank you to my parents because they brought me to this realistic yet wonderful world.. During that time, they chose to give birth to me instead of aborting me...They had the right to choose whether to stay me or not... They raised me, educated me and gave me everything they could give to me although they faced difficulties.. Because of them, I was able to become a better person, I was able to see this world, I am educated... Thanks ba and ma... Because of both of you, I never have a time to worry about my financial, my daily needs, my education, my entertainment and my life... You two gave me everything I need and I don't need... At the same time, You two taught me how to be a better person... I am who I am today because of you two... Your contribution and commitment, I can never pay back... <3 You two forever in my life...

Finally, Happy birthday again and I AM A LEGAL ADULT.....YEAH~~~~

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